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Business Risk Management

BSG has provided experienced Business Risk Managers all over the world to support clients conduct their activities in remote, austere and challenging environments. We understand that business risk management requirements of a project don’t always justify a full time employee position and the requirements themselves can be difficult to define. This is where using a provider like BSG can resolve those kinds of issues.

Our Business Risk Managers can deliver a number of pre-determined or ‘on demand’ solutions to a support projects in achieving its milestones and final deliverables in a safe and secure manner. We work closely with the client’s corporate and field teams to ensure economy of effort, manage resources, reduce costs and increase productivity. Our personnel can work with existing corporate Security Management structures by integrating our own field tested plans and policies or we can deliver a complete through-life business risk package as required.

Services and solutions delivered by short term or embedded BSG Business Risk Managers can include but are not limited to:

  • Creating and executing plans and policies
  • Managing in-country supporting agencies and third party service providers
  • Conducting due diligence on local private security and life support providers
  • Day to day business risk management for projects working in dynamic high risk environments
  • Event management
  • Site surveys and assessments of hotels, offices and residences (all our assessments come with a comprehensive written report)
  • Authoring comprehensive strategic or local intelligence reports
  • Creating and executing a comprehensive travel management plan
  • Delivering a variety of training

Be it for a short term requirement of a couple of weeks through to long term embedded Business Risk Managers, BSG can provide personnel that understand the nuances of working in the developing world. Our Field Consultants have successfully managed the risk and security requirements of projects operating in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, construction, defense and aerospace, communications, pharmaceutical, USAID, DFID and the development sector.

BSG Business Risk Managers are only deployed once the client has approved them. If requested we will forward the individual’s resume and set up a telephone or Skype interview prior to deployment.